#!/usr/bin/env pythonimport os,sys,time,re,shutilimport socketimport fcntlimport structimport tracebackimport commands#Get interface nameinterface_path = '/etc/sysconfig/network-scripts/'def LOG(info): """ Log files ....""" logfile = '/root/pxe_install.log' files = open(logfile,'a') try: files.write('%s : %s \n'%(time.ctime(),info)) except IOError: files.close() files.close()def get_interface (): os.chdir(interface_path) eth = em = list() for inter in os.listdir(interface_path): if inter[0:-1] == 'ifcfg-em': if inter == 'ifcfg-em1' or inter == 'ifcfg-em2': em.append(inter) elif inter[0:-1] == 'ifcfg-eth': if inter == 'ifcfg-eth0' or inter == 'ifcfg-eth1': eth.append(inter) if eth: LOG("Getting interface file name %s is Ok" %eth) return eth else: LOG("Getting interface file name %s is Ok" %em) return em def main(): net_name = get_interface() ipaddr = str() for inter in net_name: try: shutil.move(inter,'/opt/' + inter+'.bak') _interface_config(inter) new_interface = inter.split('-')[-1] if _configure_bond(new_interface): _configure_bond(new_interface) LOG("bond script init is Ok") except Exception,e: LOG(traceback.format_exc()) if _interface_modprobe(): _interface_modprobe() if _rester_network(): _rester_network() # Set interface eth* or em*def _interface_config(interface): """ DEVICE=eth0 BOOTPROTO=static NOBOOT=yes NM_CONTROLLED=no MASTER=bond0 SLAVE=yes """ fp = open(interface,'w') new_interface = interface.split('-')[-1] if interface == 'ifcfg-em1': fp.write('DEVICE=%s \n'%new_interface) fp.write('BOOTPROTO=static \n') fp.write('ONBOOT=yes \n') fp.write('NM_CONTROLLED=no \n') fp.write('MASTER=bond0 \n') fp.write('SLAVE=yes \n') elif interface == 'ifcfg-em2': fp.write('DEVICE=%s \n'%new_interface) fp.write('BOOTPROTO=static \n') fp.write('ONBOOT=yes \n') fp.write('NM_CONTROLLED=no \n') fp.write('MASTER=bond0 \n') fp.write('SLAVE=yes \n') elif interface == 'ifcfg-eth0': fp.write('DEVICE=%s \n'%new_interface) fp.write('BOOTPROTO=static \n') fp.write('ONBOOT=yes \n') fp.write('NM_CONTROLLED=no \n') fp.write('MASTER=bond0 \n') fp.write('SLAVE=yes \n') elif interface == 'ifcfg-eth1': fp.write('DEVICE=%s \n'%new_interface) fp.write('BOOTPROTO=static \n') fp.write('ONBOOT=yes \n') fp.write('NM_CONTROLLED=no \n') fp.write('MASTER=bond0 \n') fp.write('SLAVE=yes \n') fp.close()def _configure_bond(inter): """ DEVICE=bond0 BOOTPROTO=static ONBOOT=yes IPADDR= NETMASK= NETWORK= BROADCAST= """ #bond name message if inter == 'eth0': bond_name = 'ifcfg-bond0' elif inter == 'em1': bond_name = 'ifcfg-bond0' elif inter == 'eth1': bond_name = 'ifcfg-bond0' elif inter == 'em2': bond_name = 'ifcfg-bond0' # ip address message if _interface_get_ip(inter): ipaddr = _interface_get_ip(inter) else: ipaddr = '' # ip net mask info try: net_mk = os.popen('ip a |grep %s|grep inet' %inter).readlines()[0] res = net_mk.split()[1] net_masklen = res.split('/')[-1] except: net_masklen = 18 net_mask = _interface_sum_master(net_masklen) # default gateway is .... try: net_gate = os.popen('ip route |grep default').readlines()[0] net_gateway = net_gate = net_gate.split(' ')[2] except: net_gateway = '' try: if ipaddr == '': return '' fp = open(bond_name,'w') bond = bond_name.split('-')[-1] fp.write("DEVICE=%s \n" %bond) fp.write("BOOTPROTO=static \n") fp.write("ONBOOT=yes \n") fp.write("IPADDR=%s \n" %ipaddr) fp.write("NETMASK=%s \n" % net_mask) if bond == 'bond0': fp.write("GATEWAY=%s \n" % net_gateway) fp.write("DNS1= \n") fp.write("DNS2= \n") LOG("ifcfg-bond* configure is Ok") return True except Exception,e: return False def _interface_get_ip(inter): try: s = socket.socket(socket.AF_INET, socket.SOCK_DGRAM) IP = socket.inet_ntoa(fcntl.ioctl( s.fileno(), 0x8915, # SIOCGIFADDR struct.pack('24s',inter))[20:24]) return IP except Exception,e: pass return # Add modprobe bonding modeldef _interface_modprobe(): try: fp = open('/etc/modprobe.d/bonding.conf','w') fp.write("#Module options and blacklists written by bonding \n") fp.write("alias bond0 bonding \n") fp.write("options bond0 miimon=100 mode=1 \n") fp.close() x,y = commands.getstatusoutput('modprobe bonding') if x != 0: LOG("modprobe bonding is failed") return True except: LOG(traceback.format_exc()) return # Restart Networkdef _rester_network(): x,y = commands.getstatusoutput('service network restart') if x == 0: LOG("restart netowrk is Ok ") return True else: LOG("restart netowrk is Faild ") return # According to the CIDR calculation.net masterdef _interface_sum_master(net_master): mask = (2** 8) - 2 ** (24 - int(net_master)) return '255.255.%s.0' % mask if __name__ == "__main__": sc = main()